This winter has been a cold one for the DC area. This weekend brought yet ANOTHER snowstorm. Though we were forecasted to get one to three inches, we ended up with more like six. We love our house in the snow and it's always fun to watch the dogs romp around. Abby did most of the romping and Jack did much of the watching. For such a big dog (at least bigger than Abby) he wasn't much for venturing out. He did make a good picture however!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Another Weekend Snowstorm
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Jack and a New Camera!
Jack is growing like a weed. Though we still call him a cow...he won't go downstairs...he is quite a tall and thin little doggie. and easily towers over Abby. He has now met the next door neighbors dog, Pico and has started going out back by himself. Such a good little big dog!
It has been EXTREMELY cold this week and makes us look forward to warm summer days by the pool. Our most exciting news---> We bought a new camera for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO exciting. I have been extremely fortunate that Jeff and Kate allowed me to use their camera to let me figure out what I wanted. You can thank them for the pictures on this website. Now I have a beautiful camera headed my way:) Thanks Kate and Jeff. You can be certain pictures will follow as soon as it arrives!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Happy Birthday Robin!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
And off we grow!
It's been two inches since we checked in. Yes...two inches...Jack is growing!! He has officially surpassed Abby in height. As Jack grows...Sean and I are taking it slow and relishing in that there is a time limit when going out with a puppy at home. This weekend, Brilynne was in town and we had lots of time hanging around with the puppy. How appropriate that we would make Puppy Chow!! In honor of the dog, I have included the recipe below. YUM!
9 cups Chex Cereal
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 butter
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1. In large bowl measure cereal and set aside in large bowl.
2. In microwaveable bowl, microwave chocolate chips, peanut butter and buttered covered on high. (A pyrex bowl works best.) Stir. Microwave 30 seconds longer or until mixture is smoothe. Stir in vanilla.
3. Pour mixture over cereal and stir with spatula. When chocolate is coated evenly, pour powdered sugar over and stir.
4. When coated, put spread on foil covered baking sheet and allow to cool.
5. Place in refridgerator in sealed container to stir. (I personally like to at it chilled.)
6. Enjoy!!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Life with Two Dogs
This week we have been adjusting to life with two dogs and so far we are surviving quite well! We are getting into a routine of things, walking, feeding, playing, working and sleeping. Jack is enjoying "working" with Abby in Sean's office. Together they tag team their boss. Jack takes Sean's feet and Abby takes the second chair. Considering it's his first job he is doing quite well. Although it has only been 4 days, it seems like he is already SO much bigger and it seems weird to imagine that a week ago he wasn't here.
Though many may think differently, Sean and I agree that Abby seems much happier with someone around to play with. In fact, Abby is a GREAT big sister. She is getting used to his annoying habits, copy cat behavior and disruption of her beauty rest.
Sean and I h
ave slept quite well this week thanks to Abby's sisterly talents. The first few nights Jack would whine when we put him in his crate. Immediately, Abby was by his side giving a bark or two. With that he was quiet, and everyone went to bed. This has played out every night which we find quite entertaining. We are also extremely thankful for this talent she seems to have. I myself, am enjoying the unexpected rest as well, as the new photo opps...the ones that are continuing to happen as I type and have two dogs cuddled around me.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Introducing Jack!!!
We are proud to introduce the newest member of our little family...Jack Daniel DeFrehn!! After an adventure through quite a few mountains and a whole lot of snow, we picked our adorable puppy from a shelter in rural West Virginia. In just a day he has been in two states, walked through his first snow fall, taken his first real (long) car ride, met 4 new family members and played with his new dog sister. He is currently sitting on his Daddy's lap, his VERY happy daddy's lap. In fact, both dogs are cuddled up on each side of Sean. 2010 is already feeling very special. Welcome to the family Jack!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Years!
Happy New Years! It is hard to believe how fast 2009 flew by! They always say (or my Grandmother always says) how you bring in the New Year is how you end the New Year. If that's the case then we started it off right. We spent New Year's eve with our neighbors, Kate and Jeff, our new friends Asif (who also joined us for Halloween) and Amy. After going out to dinner we came back to our house for a night of ball watching, baked brie, games and champagne. For all of you MLW people, we had an excellent game of Psychiatrist as well as Celebrity and In the Manner of the word.
New Year's day was filled with family traditions. On the DeFrehn side we enjoyed pork roast, saurkraut and who could forget the champagne. On the Orndorff/Parrish side we enjoyed ham, rice and black eyed peas and Grandma's cookies. It was quite a day. Of course it wouldn't be New Years without some resolutions so here are a few of ours.
1.) Finish a triathlon each. (Sean is already registered for the Nation's Tri in September.)
2.) Disconnecting from internet/phone/work etc. and getting outside more
3.) Walking the dogs together at least once a day (yes I said dogs...more to come in the following days;)
4.)Eating better (which get's easier thanks to our neighbors)
Without a wedding to plan or a house to buy, we are excited about how open 2010 seems. We look forward to settling into our new lives and all the exciting things 2010 has in store for us. We already know the excitement and the adventure continues tomorrow. Stay tuned!
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