Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 12th was the day!

Dear Adalynn Elizabeth,

A week ago today, we thought was the day. Instead, it really ended up being the next day...May 12th at 5:55 in the morning. You made quite the entrance.

We couldn't be more ecstatic that you are finally here. You are even more perfect than we imagined. Your first few days have already been the best days of our lives.

No more looking forward to tomorrow, everyday is now the day.

We love you more than you will ever know.


Your Mom and Dad

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 24

Dear Little One,

No today was not the day, but tomorrow will be. This has been one incredible adventure.

We are so blessed to be your parents and we love you so much.

See you tomorrow:)


Your Mom and Dad

Monday, May 9, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 23

Dear Little One,

We celebrated your Great Grandma's birthday today. She thought it would be fun to have her first great grandchild as a birthday gift, but I guess you were thinking that you would just be your Mom and Dad's special gift. You are a very thoughtful little baby, but your Dad and I really would not have minded if you decided to show up today...or in the next few hours. Your Great Grandma is very excited. Since she lives around the corner, literally, you are going to be seeing lots of her. You are a lucky baby to be loved by so many people.

Well today is officially the last day of speculating when you will be here. Tomorrow we will be able to say that you will be here tomorrow or at least starting to make an appearance. (Just in case you are wondering your Mom would prefer the former to the latter;)

Whatever time it is, you should know that you are expected, anticipated and loved by so many people.

So for one last time...will tomorrow be the day?


Your super excited Mom and Dad

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 22

Dear Little One,

Today was Mother's Day. Everyone was thinking that maybe you would be a great Mother's Day gift, but apparently that wasn't what you had in mind.

This morning both of your grandmothers came over for brunch. Your Dad cooked, he is really good at that, and we enjoyed sitting out on the deck. I can not even begin to tell you how excited your grandmas are for you to be here. They are already spoiling you rotten.

For a little bit of insight on your Grandmothers, your Grandma Darlene is the best at making sure your Dad and I are always well fed. She also indulges in any fun (or not so fun) projects your Dad comes up with. She was a saint today and helped your dad sweep off the pool deck today. Now, your other Grandma, you will probably first hear a piercing squeal of excitement from her whenever you meet her. (You get used to it after awhile;) I am certain she will be best at making messy art projects with you and is a pro at homemade playdough.

The day ended at your Great Grandmother's for a cookout. Tomorrow is her 75th birthday, so it was filled with debate over whether we will be going out to a birthday dinner to celebrate 75 years or if we would be celebrating an actual birth day.

If you weren't waiting for Mother's Day, then maybe you were waiting for your Great Grandma's birthday?

I love you. Thanks for making me a Mom.


Your Mom

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 21

Dear Little One,

It has officially been four weeks since we first thought you might appear. Now we only have four days left where we are left to wonder.

Today your Dad and I spent our final Saturday, just the two of us, enjoying time together. Neighbor Jeff, who you will meet shortly, came over this afternoon and took a few photos of your Dad and I. As much as I love taking pictures of other moms, I have not been so great about taking them while I have been pregnant with you. And while your Dad is a fantastic photographer, we needed to get a few with him:)

Your Dad, as always, was super patient with me. Even after Jeff left, I made him take even more photos and we even set-up a few with the timer. It was fun..for me at least and I am very thankful for your patient Daddy. Just so you know, when we were getting married, our favorite engagement photo was sitting on our front porch. Now this is the shot we take to mark momentous occasions and hopefully in another week, we will have a photo with you!

Tonight we had a Saturday date night. We went for dessert first at Jimmy Cone (twice in one week...yum!) Then we headed to our favorite Chinese restaurant. It was a great day and we can not wait for you to join us for days like this.

So thank you for giving your Mom and Dad some time together, but will tomorrow be the day??

It's Mother's Day and I would love to celebrate it with you!


Your Mom

Friday, May 6, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 20

Dear Little One,

Your Dad and I went to the doctors today. We received news of progress, but we also received something else...a potential birth date!! If you do not decide to make your appearance this weekend, then you will be making your appearance on May 11th!

Of course we would like you to decide, so if you like the idea of the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th or 10th better you might want to act fast.

So will tomorrow be the day?

We can NOT wait to meet you.

We love you so much!


Your Mom and Dad

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 19

Dear Little One,

This is about all we did today...relax and sleep. At the advice of the doctors, I didn't partake in the walking, eating, cooking, speculating etc. in an effort to try and give you and I a little break. The pups joined in.

So Cinco de Mayo wasn't your day...maybe tomorrow?


Your Mom

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 18

Dear Little One,

There is not much to report today. Your Dad and I kept relatively quiet. Since food seems to be the highlight of our days right now I thought I would show you our latest creation.

Your Dad and I have been living on a constant supply of mushrooms, tomatoes and strawberries- of course not together. So, today I decided to do something different with the strawberries and made Strawberry Shortcake Cookies. They were great.

Tonight, your Grandma Darlene brought over dinner and more strawberries. Guess I will have to make something else tomorrow...unless you decide tomorrow is the day!

So will tomorrow be the day?


Your Mom

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 17

Dear Little One,

I think you are having a good little time in there right now. I know you like when I move around a lot because the minute I stop you are kicking away and the past few days I have been moving around more. Since you are so content in there, I thought might want to see what is going on outside....this is what is going on on the outside.

There is this little thing called the "nesting" instinct when you have a baby. You might experience it yourself if you are a girl, or you might be unfortunate like your Dad and have your wife go through it. My nesting instinct started right before the contractions. Poor Brody dog was my first victim. I suddenly decided he needed a good scrubbing at 10:30 at night. The contractions started an hour later.

Since I have been home, and for the first few weeks I had to stay off my feet, I had lots of time to think about all the things I would clean and notice all the new dust that was settling where your sweet little face will soon be. Couple that with the fact that your arrival seemed imminent, I felt like everything had to be cleaned immediately.

Weeks and multiple cleanings later... it has hit new extremes. Today, I woke up early and decided that the couch needed to be vacuumed and every cushion needed cleaning. This photo was the result. (Also, please note the can of Pledge. This is the second can in three weeks.)

Your Dad and I will always do whatever we need for you, but we would really really really appreciate it if you would come tomorrow so we don't have to clean the house again;)

So the house is clean...even the couch cushions! will tomorrow be the day?

We love you.


Your Mom

Monday, May 2, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 16

Dear Little One,

Last night, your Dad and I were able to sleep...a lot. I woke up one time in the middle of the night with a strong contraction and neither your dad, nor Jack, nor Brody even budged. I don't think any of us (including the dogs) have slept like that this entire month. It was amazing.

After getting out of the house yesterday and sleeping well for the both of us, I thought I might be a little more active again today. On top of that, today is the anniversary of when your Great Poppa went to heaven so it is a meaningful day to our family.

Of all the things I am sorry that I can not show you when you are here on earth, I am most sorry that you will never know your Great Poppa. He was one of the biggest parts of your Aunt and I's life. When we were little, we would always cuddle up with him, your Aunt on one knee and me on the other. Our summers were spent at his and your Great Grandma's house and we would explore parks, caverns, restaurants and historic sites near and far. He was infamous for taking us to the candy store and we had a joke that you couldn't touch anything without Poppa buying it for you. He spoiled us rotten.

One of the last conversations I had with your Great Poppa, your Great Grandma said he didn't need to worry about her, that "Brittany would be giving her great grandchildren she could love on." I have never forgotten that. When I found out that I was pregnant, I had a hunch because of an extreme craving for an Oreo milkshake. Strangely enough, Oreo's were his favorite treat. I thought it so fitting when I realized your original due date (May 3rd) was so close to the day he went to heaven. God has such a perfect hand in everything and his timing is always right.

What better way then to spend the day than with your Great Grandma. Your dad and I picked her up along with your Great Aunt and took a ride through Great Seneca Park and then went to Jimmy Cone. It was perfect.

So today wasn't the day. I guess the timing wasn't right.

Will tomorrow be the day?


Your Mom

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 15

Dear Little One,

Today was a rainy Sunday, but that didn't stop your Dad from working on the yard. The picture here is a view from the front door. Your Dad picked up a hanging basket from church and worked on trimming the bushes and trees despite the rain. You can also see the newly painted fence in the background. He has been working so hard.

Your Grandma came and took me to the mall today to get me out of the house. It was nice to walk around. We looked at lots of cute clothes. I can't wait to know who you are and get you lots of cute things.

Another great thing happened today- it's May! Welcome to the best month to have a birthday in!! It was strange thinking that you might be an April baby because we had thought May the entire time. I am also a little partial- my birthday, your Great Grandma Orndorff's birthday, and your Great Aunt Luann's birthday are all in May. It's a great month to be born in...So now that it's May maybe tomorrow??


Your very excited Mom