Friday, August 26, 2011

Adalynn Goes to the Fair!

Last week, Adalynn went to her very first fair. It was so fun and we actually think she enjoyed it as much as she possibly can for being three months old. Our house is within walking distance of the fair grounds so we just popped her in her stroller and headed on over. We walked through Old McDonald's Barn, saw all the fun arts & crafts and even watched the animal races. Sean and I love the fair so it was so fun to share it with her!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Guaranteed to make your day!

We seriously can't get enough of this. This was taken a few weeks ago at dinner.
Sorry you have to turn your head, but I couldn't get Droid mobile formats and iMovie to talk. It just needed to be posted! Hope it makes your day!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Grow Adalynn Grow!

This week, Adalynn managed to suddenly outgrow her three month clothes. Yes...her three month clothes. This girl is long enough to fill out her six month clothes! Seeing this reminded me that I never posted the photo series we started for her. The above photos are newborn, one month and two months. Next week we will be taking her three month photo. Where has time gone? Grow Adalynn grow!!