Monday, February 15, 2010

Hunter's Christening

Yesterday we had the extreme pleasure of becoming Godparent's to our beautiful niece Hunter Alexandra. The ceremony took place in New York City and was celebrated by both the DeFrehn's and McShane's. The church was absolutely stunning and the ceremony was very intimate. Hunter wore a family Christening gown which everyone was very excited to see her in. This was my first opportunity to take pictures of people and attempt to document a day for someone. Hopefully I captured some moments she will appreciate when she is older. Welcome to God's family Hunter Alexandra. We love you!
If you want to see more picture I took from the here

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Round Two!

A view of the sky before the second round!

This was our view out the window when we woke up.
Sean suited up to remove snow off the roof!
(He's my hero.)
Potato soup for dinner.
Snowmaggedon has struck again!! We can't believe it!! We have hunkered down as the winds have picked up! We are enjoying the extra time together. We could do without the shoveling, but it just gives us reasons to try out new recipes like the potato soup pictured above! We don't think this is weather is great for triathlon training (or our waste lines;), but it sure beats driving to work!!! Bring on the snow!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Yep...another birthday. This time it was my Mom's. Because of the snow we were not able to really celebrate, but Sean and I managed to make it to Germantown to deliver homemade chocolate chip muffins! On top of that, we made her a placemat. This is something that my Mom did for my sister and I every year. It was a way of making our morning special before we went off to school. Hope your birthday was special Mom! We love you!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Jeff!

When Sean and I moved to our new house, we were lucky to have new neighbors move in next door at the same time. Not only are they great neighbors, but they are great friends. Yesterday was Jeff's birthday so it was only appropriate to celebrate!! Kate made maple cheesecake! Yum! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEFF! Sorry this picture isn't darker for you, but we hope your year is fun and exciting!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


We are currently in the middle of SNOWMAGEDDON 2010. You seriously might think the world was ending here in DC...or you might just think we are in Antarctica. We have had 24+ inches of snow! It all began yesterday and continued until this afternoon. It fell as fast as 4 inches an hour. Sean and the dogs are surviving quite well- sore backs are certainly in order. Abby seems to be in her element even though we don't think it's really westie weather...she does! Jack romped around with Pico (the "neighbor dog") and Abby, but didn't like it as much. With the three of them together it looked like Shadow, Chance, and Sassy had made their way to Cedar Avenue (name that movie). Of course we are taking TONS of pictures. What a great week for a new camera and even ventured out to my Grandmother's house to document the day. We hope everyone is staying nice and warm and getting ready for a snowed in superbowl tomorrow!

Friday, February 5, 2010

It's here!!!!!!!!!!

No...not Snowmageddon 2010! The camera!! Smowmageddon 2010 will now be fully will our house, our animals, our families and every other detail of life. As Lauren put it "We have more spiffy camera's in this family than people to photograph." We think that's great!