January- Engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
February- Put an offer on Cedar house, Engagement party and the announcement that Brandon and Lauren would be having a baby!
March-Wedding date solidified, Decided to drop offer on Cedar house
April- Wedding planning in high gear, wedding dress and bridemaid dresses purchased
May- Second offer put on Cedar House, We find out we are having a niece! Brittany's Birthday
June- Bridal shower and wedding planning kicks into high gear, We become homeowners!!!
July- Head to Texas for Lauren's baby shower, DeFrehn Consulting office is moved to the Cedar House, Sean's Birthday, Bachelor and Bachelorette parties
August- I learn to SCUBA for our honeymoon, WEDDING!!, Aruba for the honeymoon and then we return to our new house together
September- Settling in we have a housewarming party and begin regular dinners with our neighbors
October- Our niece, Hunter Alexandra DeFrehn is born, Head to NYC to see the baby, Halloween party
November- We host Thanksgiving dinner at our house for Sean's family
December- Christmas dinner with Randy (Sean's Dad) and Hunter (Our niece) , Christmas with both our families, We begin our Christmas traditions!
(Note: Photo courtesy of Abby Jiu)
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