Saturday, April 30, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 14

[No Photo]

Dear Little One,

There is no photo today. I am very sorry. However, the reason is not because I was tired, but because I seemed to have a good amount of energy! Your dad and I got up early and he made me delicious pancakes with banana and strawberry topping. Your dad worked on some things around the house while I was able to get some photography sessions completed.

Since you still didn't seem to be budging, we thought we would get things moving with some spicy food for lunch and a long walk. Actually, we took TWO walks- one with the dogs and one with just the two of us. No such luck. We came home and I read while your dad went back out in the garden. It was such a nice day.

It will be an even better day when you are here.

Can't wait.


Your Mom

Friday, April 29, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 13

Dear Little One,

So you weren't looking to upstage the royal wedding...very sweet of you. You did however do an excellent job of keeping your Mom awake for it:) Your dad slept while I watched the wedding. The bride was beautiful and if you are a little girl, I am sure you will hear about this wedding like I heard about Princess Diana from my Mom and Grandma.

Today for lunch, your Dad got me out of the house. It was a thrilling trip...Starbucks and the grocery store...per my request of course. I wanted to just go somewhere where I could walk around a bit and find something to eat. So a decaf Frappe in hand, we got some things for lunch and groceries for the weekend. It was just nice to be out.

Your dad has been working hard on everything around the house while I have been taking care of you. He has worked especially hard on the yard and garden and today his hard work paid off- We enjoyed our very first strawberries of the season. They were tiny, but delicious.

Tonight, your Dad went to the Dwelling Place's Annual Carnival of Chocolates. It is always such a fun event, but I obviously am a little busy taking care of you and too nervous to be out for any period of time. If I wasn't nervous enough about your arrival a few weeks ago, I certainly am now. It really feels like it could be at any minute.

How about in just a few minutes? Ok...maybe tomorrow will be the day.

Hope to see you soon.


Your Mom

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 12

Dear Little One,

So I guess day 12 wasn't a good day to come? Your dad and I weren't certain you were going to make your appearance last night. The contractions seemed to hit a whole new level, but were not regular enough and tapered off by morning. I have said the entire time that I would like to have you when the royal wedding was going on so the family could have it as a nice distraction while they wait around. Is that what you are waiting for? Everything and everyone is ready for you. Your nursery is as ready as it is going to be until we find out if you are a boy or girl.

Can we please find out tomorrow? Maybe during the wedding?

Your Mom and Dad love you and are so excited to meet you.


Your Mom

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 11

Dear Little One,

Day 11 and you are still not here. Today was a great day though- we had GREAT news! Your dad and I went for a doctor's appointment early this morning and the doctor said we are making progress!! At first she was hesitant to get us excited, but by the end of the appointment she seemed hopeful we would not be seeing her next week. The other great news was that if by chance we do see her, we will be scheduling your arrival. At that point, you will be (by your Mom's calculations) 41 weeks. We are soooo extremely excited and it is certainly helping ease these contractions.

In other news, the weather today has been extremely crazy. We are still under a Tornado watch until early tomorrow morning. Everyone keeps saying that this DeFrehn baby must be its the way! Well, after the appointment today, we are certainly hoping so.

Today, the only one who didn't seem as happy as your dad and I, was your doggy brother Brody. He slept in your room the whole day looking at the crib. We keep telling him..."Maybe tomorrow Brody?"

So maybe tomorrow?

We love you lots!


Your Mom and Dad

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 10

Dear Little One,

Today's post is early so maybe there is still time left in the day for your to arrive;) I am beginning to think you are just enjoying your little (or not so little) home as much as possible. I am not convinced you have much more room in there. It is gorgeous outside once again. Are you waiting for a thunderstorm? I made Daddy take this picture of me. I think the same thing every time I take a photo as I do when I blog...will this be the last one?

So will today be the last blog and tomorrow will be the day?

I love you.


Your Mom

Monday, April 25, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 9

Dear Little One,

Today was nice and warm and your dad and I are hoping we have turned the corner from winter to spring. Just so you know you never really get spring here in Maryland. It goes from winter to summer very quickly and with the 80 degree weather it is looking like that is what is happening.

I have not been able to do much lately other than sit outside, but your dad has been working on the yard and the garden. Everything looks nice.

Your Grandma and Great Aunt stopped by again. They say they are checking on me, but really they are just checking on you and enjoying the porch. When they were here, your Grandma asked for the dog's old crate. We don't use it anymore since there is now a cradle in our room (perfect for sleeping in if you want to a few nights from now.) When we brought it out, your big brother decided he would show how he could fit in it. A 90 lb dog in a crate meant for 20 pound dog?!?...It was funny.

Well it wasn't today...will Day 10 be the day?

Your Mom and Dad love you lots.


Your Mom

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 8

Dear Little One,

Today was Easter! In the morning, we went to your Grandma Darlene's for brunch. It was really nice to get out of the house and the morning was sunny and warm. On the way there, contractions started consistently for about 2 hours Everyone thought you might be on the way, but then they went back to every 20 minutes. After brunch, we came home and I slept through the afternoon before heading to your Great Grandma's for dinner. Fortunately she lives around the corner so we didn't have to go far. You were the talk of the night. Everyone is so excited to see you. Aunt Brilynne is headed back to New York tonight. Your Great Nan and Pap leave tomorrow for Pennsylvania and your Great Aunt Luann is already back in Virginia. When we said goodbye to everyone, it was very strange knowing for certain that the next time we see them, you will probably be here.

Guess you weren't an Easter baby... maybe tomorrow?!


Your Mom

PS- Can you tell that you are all we think about? Even when making Easter eggs!! :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 7

Dear Little One,

Today everyone is in town for Easter. Your dad and I went for a long walk, hoping to get things moving (no luck) and then I slept for quite some time. Your Aunt Bri came over and sat on the porch with me while it was nice and sunny outside. (It's raining now...are you motivated??) Your Grandma and Great Aunt and Aunt Bri are all over right now dying Easter eggs and baking cookies. I will have to take pictures of this finished products in the morning. Or maybe I won't be able to;)


Your Mom

Friday, April 22, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 6

[No Photo]

Dear Little One,

So day two with no photo. I apologize again. Today was basically a repeat of yesterday...lots of sleep! Your Great Grandmother Orndorff stopped by in the morning with your Great Aunt. They were very excited to see the nursery. Everything and everyone is ready for you. Hopefully the extra rest will keep me going for the Easter weekend.

Will this weekend be it?

We can't wait to meet you!


Your Mom

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 5

[No Photo]

Dear Little One,

Today there is no photo. That is because your Mom spent the majority of the day sleeping. I apologize. We had an appointment this morning and they are no longer going to try and stop you from coming. I don't know if it was sheer excitement or relief, but I came home and couldn't manage to wake-up for almost the entire day. Thanks to your Grandma Darlene and your Great Nan and Pap, your Dad and I had food for dinner. Everyone is coming into town for Easter and hoping that maybe you will arrive when the whole family is here. Is that your plan?

Maybe tomorrow:)


Your Mom

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 4

Dear Little One,

Today was a really nice day. Last night, for the first time in over a week, your dad and I were able to sleep for more than an hour at a time. It was wonderful. Everyone keeps telling us that this is preparation for your arrival. We keep asking them if contractions or a sweet baby would be more motivating to get up for???...I am going to go with a sweet baby.

The weather was extremely warm and with the extra sleep we were finally able to relax a little. (1 in 10 days isn't bad!) For lunch, dad fried trout that your Grandma Darlene and Great Pap had caught while he missed trout season over the weekend. It was great and the weather was perfect.

Both your Grandma and Great Aunt stopped by to check on us in the afternoon and then the neighbors came over to sit out on the deck for "community dinner." It was nice to get at least one more dinner in with the neighbors before you are here...but you can come now;)

Doctors tomorrow...let's hope having contractions and rest for this long have done something.


Your Mom

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 3

Dear Little One,

They say April showers bring May flowers--Does the April rain mean you are coming in May? Every day we...and about 100 other people are speculating about when you are going to be here. Time seems to be passing slowly and I am certain the rain isn't helping. It has literally rained all week. Since we imagined you as a May baby, we imagined lots of flowers and sunshine. The flowers are here, especially my favorite pink ones! - Hopefully the sunshine isn't far behind. You will come to hear from many people though that it is not a DeFrehn celebration if there is no rain. (DeFrehn='s Def-rain) Hurricanes and floods typically mean something good is around the corner for us...yes, this sounds strange, but your dad and I have been excited by the rain. Maybe you will fit right into that and give everyone a good laugh, or you will get a warm sunny day to call yours.

So today might not be the day, but maybe your waiting for the 85 degrees tomorrow? :)


Your Mom

Monday, April 18, 2011

Will Today Be The Day: Day 2

Dear Little One,

We aren't the only ones preparing around here. Jack and Brody are too!
Brody is currently sleeping under your crib and Jack is staying by you mom's side 24/7.
They are just as eager as we are for you to arrive! So today wasn't the day...maybe tomorrow.

With love,

Your Mom and Dad

Sunday, April 17, 2011

DeFrehn Photo Series Will Today Be the Day: Day 1

Dear Little One,

Will today be the day? That is what I keep asking myself. A week ago today, you decided to to let us know you were on your way in the form of contractions every two minutes. The doctors are letting you enjoy your cozy little home a little while longer and now I am just waiting for the day you arrive. I am not allowed to do much (contractions and little sleep are not much fun), but I am starting a picture series until you get here to pass the time. Today is a picture of the fence daddy worked on painting for you. After last week, we didn't know if we would get it done before you got here, but your daddy did a great job.

Maybe tomorrow will be the day.


Your Mom

Baby Update

A week ago today, Sean and I had been up for 24 hours and were about to be discharged from the hospital. Yes, the hospital. Little baby DeFrehn had decided to make an announcement that it was on its way in the form of contractions every two minutes. While the baby is more than healthy and there was no talk of being premature, it was obviously better to play it safe and let it enjoy it's little home for just a little while longer. They sent us home with medicine to stop the contractions and orders for me to take it easy.

Fast forward to today, a week of contractions, little sleep and more time to think about this little one arriving and that is where we are at. The medicine is helping to take the edge off of the contractions and now having been off my feet, I remember what they looked like before pre-pregnancy puffiness set in. We are uncertain as any parents when the little one will be arriving. There are signs that it may not be too far away, but then again you hear about people being induced after weeks of this. (Please cross your fingers that isn't the case!) We are trying to enjoy some time where we are ordered to relax, but the reality is 1. We are both terrible at that and 2. There is a baby on the way! How can we relax?

Between sleep and contractions, I will do my best to keep you all up to date on what's happening. Maybe a baby to announce soon or just another update on the joys of contractions and trying to "relax" and prepare for a baby from the couch;)