Dear Little One,
Today was a really nice day. Last night, for the first time in over a week, your dad and I were able to sleep for more than an hour at a time. It was wonderful. Everyone keeps telling us that this is preparation for your arrival. We keep asking them if contractions or a sweet baby would be more motivating to get up for???...I am going to go with a sweet baby.
The weather was extremely warm and with the extra sleep we were finally able to relax a little. (1 in 10 days isn't bad!) For lunch, dad fried trout that your Grandma Darlene and Great Pap had caught while he missed trout season over the weekend. It was great and the weather was perfect.
Both your Grandma and Great Aunt stopped by to check on us in the afternoon and then the neighbors came over to sit out on the deck for "community dinner." It was nice to get at least one more dinner in with the neighbors before you are here...but you can come now;)
Doctors tomorrow...let's hope having contractions and rest for this long have done something.
Your Mom
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