Tomorrow I go back to work. It seems time has gone by too fast. I have so much to think about and to be grateful for. When I left, or rather was forced to leave because of preterm labor, I had no idea what was in store for me. For the month before she was born I was was made to sit still...or at least told to. I managed to clean, to edit photos and as many of you know, to blog. I thought that this was the version of taking it easy that I would have to get used to. Then the paperweight arrived. For as much as I had thought I couldn't do anything before she was born, coupled with a csection, Adalynn Elizabeth-the cutest, prettiest paperweight arrived, and a new type of slowing down began. Every time I even tried to get up...to clean...to blog, to just take a shower, I was forced to sit down. (Ok...the shower is an exaggeration.) For anyone that has a newborn, you know the floppy head and seemingly fragile body demand both hands and all of your attention. I eventually stopped fighting the urge to take care of everything else and just embraced the 9 pounds of snuggly baby that forced me to sit still and take it easy. The months following her birth have been filled with highs, like Adalynn smiling (best thing ever) and sleeping through the night (second best thing ever) to lows, like multiple surgeries and a hospital stay, but as a result of this little paperweight that made me take it easy...I learned a lot about myself, my family and my life.
10 Lessons from the paperweight
#1. I like to read- I forgot how much I like to read. I read five books during my maternity leave- Cold Tangerines (Absolute must!), The Help, The Fabric of Friendship, A Gift From the Sea, and Saltwater Cowboys. That doesn't include all the children's books I read which are often more interesting and profound than any "mature" readings. Don't believe me?...I highly recommend The Night You Were Born. I still smile and cry every time I read it.
#2. I like to write- Blogging during those first few weeks got me back into something I used to do more often. I found myself during nighttime feedings jotting ideas down on my phone. Writing is fun and there are so many things to write about with a newborn.
#3. I like routine- My favorite part of the day is Adalynns bathtime, cuddle time and the last feeding of the night. I enjoy knowing that we have that time to count on if nothing else has been the same all day. Routines are also great, especially for babies, when mom suddenly can't be there and someone needs to get her to sleep. Thank you routine- You saved us all.
#4. My husband has a great job- When Sean started DeFrehn Consulting almost 10 years ago, he had foresight that not only could he help people make better financial decisions by being an independent financial advisor, but that he could also be there for his family more if he owned his own business. As a result, he has been through every bit of the last four months with me and I couldn't be more grateful that I did not have to go it alone and that we could experience it together.
#5. Family Vacations are necessary- Heading to Chincoteague, VA for a few days gave us new insight on ourselves and each other. (Adalynn also slept for the first time through the night all three nights- Salt air is good for everyone.)
#6. I like nurseries- I swear, nurseries are the most peaceful places on earth-Even with a screaming baby, nothing beats the calm and soothing feel of a nursery. The soft music, the fuzzy blankets, the smell of baby lotion, the stars on the ceiling. Why don't we always make such calm and restful places to sleep?
#7. Life moves quickly- There is nothing that makes you realize how fast life goes than a growing baby. Instead of packing away the newborn clothes for next summer, you pack theme away for another baby knowing this little one will never be that small again.
#8. My husband is awesome- (Yes another husband one...but he is!) He does diaper duty in the middle of the night, is an excellent "Papparoo" and coupled with Adalynn is my whole world. I couldn't imagine a better dad for my sweet girl.
#9. I love being a Mom- Nothing can explain it. Nothing is like it and nothing beats it.
So tomorrow I head back. I know a lot more than I did before I left... but most importantly I learned #10- Life is a blessing and if I need a reminder...paperweights are best.
Big hugs girl! Hope your first day back goes well!!